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Polio Survivors Ireland works to maintain the independence and dignity of polio survivors, supporting them at work, in the home and otherwise. Their Core Objectives are to create awareness and provide information on the needs of polio survivors and on Post Polio Syndrome and to support and advocate on behalf of all polio survivors in Ireland.

Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland (SBHI) is a voluntary organisation, with an elected Board of Directors made up of voluntary members and parents as well as branches in all four provinces which are run by groups of local volunteers. The association has thousands of members nationwide consisting of, those with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, their parents, siblings, family, friends and carers. The biggest strength of the association continues to be its members and volunteers. Our members have a wealth of knowledge and experience which is invaluable to the association and its future development.
This website is sponsored by Buffini Conlon Rehabilitation Ltd